छि छि नेपाली हरु गिरेर यति समको हर्कत गरे हेर्नुहोस के गर्नी लाई भन्दा देख्नी लाई लाज एकचोटी भिडियो मा नजर लाउनुहोस
Speaking at a press meet in Narayangadh, Chitwan, on Tuesday, Koirala claimed that attempt to bring the state bodies, including the Office of Attorney General under the Prime Minister, was an unmistakable sign that the incumbent government wishes to impose authoritarian rule in the country.
“The government has started capturing the judiciary. Imposing press censorship is on the cards. This is authoritarianism,” he said.
The NC leader said that the new system requiring the justices to secure the executive’s approval before embarking on foreign visits indicates that the judiciary has come under the government. “This is just the beginning of communist rule in the country,” he said.
Koirala was also critical of his own party. He was of the view that NC organisation had not changed to suit the federal set-up.
“The country has already adopted federal system. However, Congress’s statute is still unitary. The local units and electoral constituencies have been decreased, but we do not have the kind of party organisation to favour the system,” Koirala said.
He said that the NC should hold its 14th general convention at the earliest by amending the party statute.
“We have to amend the party statute first before holding the convention,” he said.
Factionalism has ruined Congress
NAWALPARASI: NC General Secretary Shashank Koirala has said that factionalism has ruined the party. It is incumbent upon young and competent party members to unite the party, he said in his address to the party workers in East Nawalparasi on Tuesday. Koirala claimed he was already doing his bit to heal the tears inflicted by factional politics.
Speaking at a press meet in Narayangadh, Chitwan, on Tuesday, Koirala claimed that attempt to bring the state bodies, including the Office of Attorney General under the Prime Minister, was an unmistakable sign that the incumbent government wishes to impose authoritarian rule in the country.
“The government has started capturing the judiciary. Imposing press censorship is on the cards. This is authoritarianism,” he said.
The NC leader said that the new system requiring the justices to secure the executive’s approval before embarking on foreign visits indicates that the judiciary has come under the government. “This is just the beginning of communist rule in the country,” he said.
Koirala was also critical of his own party. He was of the view that NC organisation had not changed to suit the federal set-up.
“The country has already adopted federal system. However, Congress’s statute is still unitary. The local units and electoral constituencies have been decreased, but we do not have the kind of party organisation to favour the system,” Koirala said.
He said that the NC should hold its 14th general convention at the earliest by amending the party statute.
“We have to amend the party statute first before holding the convention,” he said.
Factionalism has ruined Congress
NAWALPARASI: NC General Secretary Shashank Koirala has said that factionalism has ruined the party. It is incumbent upon young and competent party members to unite the party, he said in his address to the party workers in East Nawalparasi on Tuesday. Koirala claimed he was already doing his bit to heal the tears inflicted by factional politics.