Unfortunately, this article does not hold the secret to stopping car accidents from happening, but we want to draw an alarm for the drivers and passengers that roam some of America’s streets. As we explained in the title, some places in the U.S. are safer than others to drive a vehicle through them, while others are more dangerous than checking a live electrical wire with bare metal tools. Just last year, approximately 38,300 people died on American roads, and another 4.4 million humans were seriously injured in motor vehicle accidents. The makers of a piece of research that went through two decades of car accidents contacted us to make their work known to the world. This is a bid for safer roads, which relies on the drivers and pedestrians of America (and the world, if we are at it) to be more cautious when they are on the road. Every single time, and every single moment. After going through 77,000 fatal accident records over the last 20 years, all made by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in its Fatality Analysis Reporting System, we can now view a list of the most dangerous counties and states in the USA.