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PR candidates’ closed lists to be submitted today

Election Commissioner Sudhir Shah says there will not be any changes in the election schedule
Oct 15, 2017-Closed list submission of the candidates for the proportional representation (PR) category of federal and provincial elections will take place on Sunday.
The two elections are scheduled to be held on November 26 and December 7. Nominations for the first-past-the-post system of election will take place on October 22 for the first phase and November 2 for the second phase. According to the schedule published by the Election Commission, political parties are required to submit the closed list of candidates between 10am and 5pm on the day.
“Although the EC was under strong pressure to postpone the date of submitting the closed list of candidates, we stood firm on the schedule,” said Election Commissioner Sudhir Shah. “There won’t be any changes in the election timetable.”
“The parties will have to submit their lists to the EC headquarters,” said EC Spokesperson Nawaraj Dhakal. The parties have to hand in separate lists for federal and provincial elections. Lists for the seven provincial parliaments have to be registered separately, according to the EC. The Election to House of Representatives Act requires the parties to incorporate 50 percent women in the closed lists.
There has to be inclusive representation of Dalits, indigenous communities, Khas-Aryas, Madhesis, Tharus, Muslims and backward regions in the nominations in proportion to their population while striking a geographical and provincial balance.




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