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बिदेश पैसा कमाउन गएका आफ्नै नेपाली दाजु भाईलाई लुट्ने माया जालमा फसाएर यौन धन्दा मार्फ़त चर्को मूल्य लिने 8 नेपाली युवती पक्राउ.....

बिदेश पैसा कमाउन गएका आफ्नै नेपाली दाजु भाईलाई लुट्ने  माया जालमा फसाएर यौन धन्दा मार्फ़त चर्को मूल्य लिने  8 नेपाली युवती पक्राउ.....

The observation report for the House of Representatives and Provincial Assembly elections held in November-December last year drew strong criticism from the Nepal government and the EC after the European poll observation mission recommended removal of Khas-Arya group from the proportional representation system of election.

In response, the EU EOM issued a statement late on Thursday evening made it clear that all the recommendations were offered in a spirit of partnership, for the consideration of the host country.

“It remains up to the appreciation of the Nepali authorities and people to decide on the terms of their constitution and legislative framework,” it said. According to the mission, the assessment and recommendations in the EUEOM’s final report are based on international and regional commitments for democratic elections to which Nepal is a signatory.

“The suggested recommendations were widely consulted and discussed at a roundtable on 28 December 2017,” the mission said.




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