दीदी बहिनी मिलेर कोठामा यौन धन्दा गायक नायक मोडेल देखि सभामुख मन्त्री सम्म यिनीहरुका ग्राहक महिनामै कमाउछन लाखो रुपिया
Two persons died in as many accidents at night along the Koteshwor-Kalanki stretch last month while six fatalities were recorded farther on the outskirts. Accidents have not been reported after we started keeping records of vehicles and drivers, said DSP Silwal.
There has been a public outcry for overlooking measures to keep road users safe. The main expressway has four lanes where vehicles can run at a speed of 50km per hour. However, the design does not have a separating median dividing the expressway. This would lead to fatal accidents, experts warn. Watchers have raised concerns over the negligible number of overhead bridges and crossing points and the absence of road dividers, traffic lights and zebra crossings, whose presence improves pedestrian safety.
“There have been concerns about the engineering design that, perhaps, leads to accidents,” DSP Silwal said. “One pillion rider died when his motorbike fell into the space that divides the expressway and the service lane. Records show speeding drivers reach Koteshwor from Satdobato in five to seven minutes.”