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Near-miss bus driver: 'My training kicked in'

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Bus driver Charmaine Laurie said her training kicked in as she swerved to avoid a car on the wrong side of the road during the treacherous weather conditions in Edinburgh.

Footage of the near-miss was caught on the dashcam of a van and went viral on social media.

The back wheels of Ms Laurie's double-decker bus skidded on the snow as she tried to avoid smashing into the mini.

She told ITV's Good Morning Britain she had "a lot of luck".

Footage of the incident was filmed on a dashcam by van driver Gareth Smith in the Fairmilehead area of the city on Wednesday.

Media captionCar has near-miss with bus in Edinburgh
His van was on the right side of the road but faced being hit by the bus as Ms Laurie swerved around the mini.

Ms Laurie said: "I saw that guy's face and he looked pretty scared."

She did not know Mr Smith had recorded the incident and was shocked when her husband later told her that he had seen the footage of the near-miss on Facebook.

Ms Laurie had been carrying about 20 passengers on the south of Edinburgh route when she saw the mini do "a u-turn" on the icy road.

"I really didn't have much time to react," she said.

"My training just kicked in - and a lot of luck, to be honest.

When he went in the shop I looked at the video on Facebook and when he came out I was like 'That was me!'.
Charmaine Laurie
"My back end started going out and I just knew to take my foot of the brake and try to glide through it and luckily it went well."

Ms Laurie said bus drivers were well trained for all kind of incidents and met challenges like this every day.

She said they were all "unsung heroes", driving people around in all weather conditions.

'That's me'
Ms Laurie said that at the end of her shift her husband picked her up from the depot and told her about the video of a bus driver on Facebook.

"I said 'funnily enough something like that happened to me'," she told the breakfast TV programme.

"He said 'you're joking' and kind of dismissed it before going back to talking about the video."

"When he went in the shop I looked at the video on Facebook and when he came out I was like: 'That was me!'."

Ms Laurie said the whole incident happened very quickly.

"It looks worse on the video than it felt at the time," she said.

"A lady got off the bus a few stops later and asked if I was alright.

"I said 'I did get a fright'. She just said: 'Well done'."




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