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Burglary suspect ‘stabbed to death by pensioner’ was career criminal who targeted elderly

Jimmy NsubugaFriday 6 Apr 2018 7:55 am Share this article with Facebook Share this article with Twitter Share this article with Google Plus Share this article through email 186 Henry Vincent, 38, was died on Tuesday night (Picture: Kent Police) A suspected burglar who was allegedly stabbed to death by a pensioner had several previous convictions, including conning elderly people out of hundreds of thousands of pounds. Henry Vincent, 37, died following a struggle with 78-year-old Richard Osborn-Brooks at his home in Hither Green, south London, on Tuesday. You're going to have £1,000 extra in your pay from today Mr Osborn-Brooks, whose wife was in his property with him, was arrested on suspicion of murder and released on bail pending further inquiries yesterday.

Another man thought to have broken into the property with Vincent is still on the run. It has emerged Vincent was previously wanted by police on suspicion of distraction burglaries carried out in Kent, London. MORE: Six teenagers stabbed in four separate incidents as London violence continues Richard Osborn-Brooks, 78, was arrested on suspicion of murder (Picture: Facebook) Vincent and several members of his family were jailed for more than 28 years in total in 2003 after conning £448,180 from vulnerable pensioners. The group, which consisted of Vincent, his father Henry Charles Vincent and uncles, would target elderly victims and offer to fix ‘structural’ problems at their home for extortionate amounts of money.

This often involved escorting frail homeowners to banks to take out money. Members of the gang, believed to be part of the travelling community, convinced one pensioner to sign away their £150,000 home and also charged another man in his 80s £72,000 for a £50 job. MORE: Six teenagers stabbed in four separate incidents as London violence continues Henry Charles Vincent, criminal father of Hither Green burglar Henry Vincent (Picture: News Shopper) Vincent was jailed for four-and-a-half years for his role after admitting deception charges along with his other family members. His father got five-and-a-half years and his five uncles more than twelve years in total. Vincent and his dad received another ten years combined for a fraud scam in 2011. Police were looking for Vincent in connection another distraction burglary where the victim was a man in his 70s.




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