Emerging from the screening room, my retinas still swirling, peppy jazz score rattling around my brain, I bumped into an old pal.
"Whadja think?" he asked.
"It's got a baby that shoots lasers out of his eyes! What do you think I thought?" I fired back.
We laughed. I mean, what kind of maniac doesn't like a movie with a baby that shoots lasers out of its eyes?
Incredibles 2 arrives in theaters 14 years after the first installment, and the leaps in computer animation technology are superpowered. Everything bashes, stretches and zooms with in ways we could heretofore only dream of. Michael Giacchino's excellent, brassy Lalo Schifrin-inspired soundtrack propels almost every scene. This is a movie set to high speed and high volume, and that dazzle more than patches over rudimentary problems like, I dunno, being not-that-original.