संसारमा धेरै संरचनाहरु सुरक्षाको लागि बनाइन्छन तर जापनले यस्तो खतरनाक पुल किन बनायो जसमा गाडी गुडाउनेहरुको सातो पुत्लो उड्ने गर्छ ?
Would YOU be brave enough to cross THIS? Terrifying bridge that gives drivers nightmares
WOULD you be brave enough to travel across THIS bridge?
The Eshima Ohashi Bridge is a two-lane concrete road bridge that links the city of MatsueOhashi Bridge/Exclusivepix Media
The Eshima Ohashi Bridge is a two-lane concrete road bridge that links the city of Matsue
As the world's third largest bridge of its kind in the world, the Eshima Ohashi Bridge in Japan rises so sharply it gives the bravest drivers the fear.
The concrete road spans a mile and sends drivers soaring into the sky at the very sharp gradient of 6,1 per cent across Lake Nakaumi.
At a total length of 1.7 km, of which the bridge part is 1.44 km long, and a width of 11.3 meters, it is the largest rigid frame bridge in Japan.
The Eshima Ohashi Bridge is a two-lane concrete road bridge a mile longOhashi Bridge/Exclusivepix Media
The Eshima Ohashi Bridge is a two-lane concrete road bridge a mile long
The bridge links the cities of Matsue and Sakaiminato and looks more like a roller coaster than a road.
If this bridge scares you have a look at 9 others that will make your heart flutter…
Would YOU be brave enough to cross THIS? Terrifying bridge that gives drivers nightmares
WOULD you be brave enough to travel across THIS bridge?
The Eshima Ohashi Bridge is a two-lane concrete road bridge that links the city of MatsueOhashi Bridge/Exclusivepix Media
The Eshima Ohashi Bridge is a two-lane concrete road bridge that links the city of Matsue
As the world's third largest bridge of its kind in the world, the Eshima Ohashi Bridge in Japan rises so sharply it gives the bravest drivers the fear.
The concrete road spans a mile and sends drivers soaring into the sky at the very sharp gradient of 6,1 per cent across Lake Nakaumi.
At a total length of 1.7 km, of which the bridge part is 1.44 km long, and a width of 11.3 meters, it is the largest rigid frame bridge in Japan.
The Eshima Ohashi Bridge is a two-lane concrete road bridge a mile longOhashi Bridge/Exclusivepix Media
The Eshima Ohashi Bridge is a two-lane concrete road bridge a mile long
The bridge links the cities of Matsue and Sakaiminato and looks more like a roller coaster than a road.
If this bridge scares you have a look at 9 others that will make your heart flutter…