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किन नेपाली केटीहरु केटाको ठुलो लामो लिंग र केटाहरु केटीको सानो टाइट योनि मन पराउछन.. ??? विदेशीललाइ त बिहे गरेको युवती पो मन पर्छ.. किन ...? यस्तो छ रोचक प्रसंग केटीहरुकै मुख बाट सुन्नुहोस ।

किन नेपाली केटीहरु केटाको ठुलो  लामो  लिंग  र केटाहरु केटीको सानो टाइट  योनि   मन पराउछन.. ??? विदेशीललाइ  त बिहे गरेको युवती  पो मन पर्छ.. किन ...? यस्तो छ रोचक प्रसंग यी केटीहरु यसबारे के भन्छन ।
पातलो शरीर छिनेको कम्मर भएकी युुवतीले जो कोहि युवालाई पनि सजिलै आकर्षित गर्न सक्दछिन् ।  सामान्यतया मोटो शरीर भन्दा सरलक्क ज्यानमा भएकी युवती नै युवाहरुको रोजाइमा पर्ने गरेको विभिन्न

“We’ll submit the report to the PUCC after finalising it on March 28,” said task force member Subas Nembang. Leaders claimed that the central committee of the unified party would have 300 to 350 members while the politburo would be 100-strong. The standing committee may have around 35 members. Provincial and district

committees of the new party are expected to be larger after the merger. Members of the task force claimed that the provincial committees would have around 200 members while the district committees would be limited to 250-member.

The Maoist Centre has scheduled its secretariat meeting for Thursday to fix the sizes of its undefined committees. After merger with various fringe parties, the party has around 4,000 members in its National Convention Organising Committee.

The party headquarters has 35 members while the secretariat has 99 members. As the two parties prepare to announce unification soon, the Maoist Centre is pressed to make its party committees concrete.




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