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शारीरिक सम्बन्ध राख्दा पुरुष वीर्य झारेर यौन संतुस्टी प्राप्त गर्छन भने महिलाहरु कसरी यौन संतुस्टी प्राप्त गर्छन के महिलाले पनि पुरुषले जस्तै।

शारीरिक सम्बन्ध राख्दा  पुरुष वीर्य झारेर यौन संतुस्टी प्राप्त गर्छन भने महिलाहरु कसरी यौन संतुस्टी प्राप्त गर्छन के महिलाले  पनि पुरुषले जस्तै।
The study, conducted about two years ago, found that nearly 200 owls were being trafficked from Dolakha alone, according to Raju Acharya, executive director of the Friends of Nature (FoN), an organisation working in the field of conservation. 

The study, based on data compiled from reports of trafficking and seizing incidents of owls from different parts of the country, was unveiled during the Nepal Owl Festival-2018 which kicked off on Friday in Jiri, a tourist hub of Dolakha district. 

The two-day event has been organised with an objective to promote conservation of owls and raise awareness about their significance in the nature.

Nepal’s National Red List of Birds (2015) has enlisted eight species of owls as endangered in the country. 

Experts believe that owls were persecuted because of their negative social impression, cultural beliefs, low-awareness about its importance in nature. 

“Their numbers are surely decreasing. Owls are also killed because of superstition. In some cases, they are traded to India for performing black magic and demand goes up during Laxmi Puja. In China, it is said to be used for medicinal purpose,” said FoN Wildlife and Conservation Research Director Yadav Ghimire. 

The country has so far enlisted 22 species of owls, which are found across the country from the low-lying Tarai plains to the mountainous regions. 

“As there has not been any scientific study on the owls in the country, we don’t know the exact number of these nocturnal birds and whether their number was decreasing. However, the scenario so far shows the species is threatened because of habitat loss, wildfire, increasing cases of trafficking,” added Acharya, who is also the Nepal representative of the UK-based World Owl Trust. 




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